Friday, November 20, 2009


I had a very nice night last evening with Stsm. She came over around seven, and we kissed and then went out to Panera Bread since she was wanting vegetarian soup. we ate and hung out there for a while, and then went next door to Target so she could shop for pajamas -- she and her friends are having a post-Thanksgiving sleepover. We found something that might work, so she bought it and we headed back to my apartment to try it on.

Stsm looked cute in her new PJs, but they weren't quite what she wanted, so she decided that the Great PJ Hunt of 2009 was still on. I put on PJs of my own, and we cuddled and kissed for a while before putting on Mad Men. Stsm fell asleep during the first episode, but since she'd seen them before I just let her sleep and watched two before turning off the TV and snuggling up with her to nap as well.

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