Monday, March 16, 2009

Week in Review March.14

This week continued the trend of suck plaguing my month year. Some overhanging things got resolved for better or worse, and overall life got better towards the week, but there is still a lot going on that I’m just going to have to hunker down, weather, and hope will eventually improve. I did get to see Jeso for the first time since 2002 and Mira for her birthday, so my week has definitely had its bright points. I’m hoping next week will be better overall. I could do with less drama and change.

Last Sunday morning Ke’s dad called her and told her that her grandmother, who Ke was very close to, was doing very badly health-wise and might not make it through the day. I cancelled my plans with Jeso and went over to spend the day with Ke to keep her company. She took a long nap and then we went out to have dinner with Jero. Ke called her parents and found out her grandmother had died, so we called Mira and I held Ke while she cried.

Monday night is usually my MUX night, but I got to Jero’s so late that by the time I logged on only R_55 was on, and he wasn’t very talkative (although he did pass along news that D3@ was doing well). R_55 said he was just popping in to see how we were doing, which confirmed my feeling that he isn’t really around anymore. I need to ask Cawh to have him turn over passwords, etc, for things if he’s not going to be an active admin. After logging off the MUX, Jero and I lay down to snuggle and watch Bones.

Tuesday I had a rough day at work, compounded by finding out that what I thought was a discussion of possibilities with Amsc the weekend before was actual a break-up and I didn’t realize it. Besides feeling like an idiot, it was better in some ways to have things officially end instead of hanging over me, which was stressing me out. After work I went over to Ke’s to take care of her, but she wound up taking care of me instead. I still couldn’t sleep, so I wound up lay awake depressed until dawn before finally passing out.

Wednesday I was still feeling emotionally crappy, so Ke came over to keep me company while got my notes together for Saturday’s D&D game. I was sad about breaking up with Amsc, but having some resolution was at least helping me start to adjust to the new paradigm. My ongoing troubles with Mika are causing me more actual stress, since she and I haven’t had a chance to work on things since our last talk and with the mandatory overtime she’s had at work, this week didn’t work out either.

Thursday I was feeling a little better. I scheduled dinner with Mika for Monday, and knowing when I’d see her again helped my mood considerably. I hadn’t plans after work, so I told Jero she could come over and hang out. I installed tax software she lent me and then Jero snuggled me while we played Kingdom of Loathing until three in the morning. Jero helped me catch up on quests on which I was behind, and it was a magnificently relaxing and silly way to spend the evening.

Friday after work I finally met up with Jeso and we went over to Marsh’s for a late-evening game night. B! and Jobe joined us, and they played Guitar Hero before we moved to the dining room to play Infernal Contraption and Fluxx. I was worried about dragging someone to game night I haven’t seen in seven years, but it actually turned out to be a lot of fun. We hung out until about 2 AM and then headed back to my apartment to sleep.

Saturday Jeso and I hung out and had breakfast while waiting for Mira to arrive from Evansville. When Mira arrived, Jero and Ke joined us and we got ready to role-play. When B!, Jogr, Marsh and Jobe arrived we had a fun game of D&D. We lost some players to a conflicting Ides of March party, but I had a great time nonetheless. After the game a few of us went to Denny’s and then Mira, Ke and I went back to Ke’s to snuggle and sleep.

Today I slept until 3, and then Ke and Mira woke me up with breakfast. We’re having a fun lazy day playing on our laptops, which is a great way to spend a Sunday. They made a yummy dinner of chicken and asparagus, and we might head back to bed soon to watch The Big Bang Theory. Some underlying issues were threatening to ruin my good mood earlier, but I’m trying hard to work through them and stay positive and enjoy Mira’s presence while we have her here. As Jero pointed out, I had a great weekend surrounded by wonderful people, and I need to appreciate what I have instead of worrying about everything else.

"We have a firm commitment to NATO. We are part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are part of Europe."

- former Vice-President Dan Quayle

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