Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Mr. Bigglesworth -- er, I mean, Dog Roland

The bonfire Saturday night was a lot of fun – it was nice to chill with a group of my friends that I seldom get to see, and not have to deal with any drama for an evening. E- even brought Mr. Dog Roland, so it was cute to see him running around the yard on his stubby little legs.

Oh, no – I think I’m being won over to wiener dogs! *facepalm*
Must remember – little over-bred mutant aberrations! Not the cutest thing in the canine kingdom!


Even more odd is the fact that E- just carries him around everywhere she goes, petting him, like he’s Mr. Bigglesworth. For Primus’s sake – when did she become a Bond villain?

Ah, well. Work day is over. Heading out of here.

Bush Posts Classified Ad For 90,000 Troops
WASHINGTON, DC—In an effort to relieve the burden on his overextended armed forces in Iraq, President Bush placed a four-line classified ad in the Monday edition of 75 U.S. newspapers. "WANTED: motivated, dedicated, obedient people looking for career in growing field of nation liberation," the ad read. "90,000 jobs avail. F/T days, nights, weekends. No exp. necessary. Will train. Arabic a plus. Starter pay, solid bnfts." To further boost military enlistment rates, Bush plans to post the job offer at employment offices in 300 cities across the country.
-- The Onion

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